Reduction of Images with IRAF¶
This tutorial will use observations from program GS-2006B-Q-18 (PI: J. Arias): narrow- and broad-band imaging of three adjacent regions in M8 (or NGC 6523, the Lagoon Nebula). The science goals likely included studying the ionization and small-scale structures in this star forming region.
The observations were obtained in Queue mode during several nights between 2006 Sep. 10 and Oct. 10.
The science images were obtained in 5 filters: Ha
, HaC
, r
, and i
(See the description of the filters.)
The exposures were obtained with \(2\times2\) binning (or about \(0.16\times0.16\) arcsec, which still samples the PSF very well).
Contemporaneous dayCal exposures were obtained including Twilight flats in all the filters, but not including photometric standards.
For other tutorials, see the following links:
Retrieve & Organize Data¶
The first step is to retrieve the data from the Gemini Observatory Archive (see Archive Searches). You may search the GOA yourself, or instead just cut-and-paste the direct URL:
# M8 imaging data:
After retrieving the science data, click the Load Associated Calibrations tab on the search results page and download the associated bias and flat-field exposures.
Unpack all of them in a subdirectory of your working directory named /raw
Be sure to uncompress the files.
See Retrieving Data for details.
The steps below assume that the MasterCal reference files have been created for all the filters. The required MasterCals are:
Bias Residual
Flat-field (from twilight flats)
All of them will be constructed in this tutorial. See Creating Master Reference Files for details.
Example Reduction Script¶
You can perform all of the processing steps for this tutorial by downloading the MOS tutorial CL script.
Place the script in the work directory. Within an IRAF session load the gemini, gemtools, and gmos packages, then execute it in command-mode:
cd /path/to/work_directory
cl <
You may find it useful to download the script to follow this tutorial in detail, and use it as the basis for reducing other imaging observations. The processing steps for this tutorial are described below, but only a subset of the commands are given in the interest of brevity.
Create File Lists¶
The next steps will create lists of calibrations and science files for use in processing.
The selection is achieved by matching a specific combination of header keyword-value pairs (see GMOS Processing Keywords).
Examples of file selection with the imutil.hselect task are given below.
Note the use of gemtools.gemextn
to remove the FITS kernel syntax from the resulting file names.
cd /path/to/work_directory/raw
## Bias exposures with a common observation class, RoI, and CCD binning:
s1 = "obstype?='BIAS' && obsclass?='dayCal' && detrO1ys>1024 && ccdsum?='2 2'"
# Select bias exposures within a few weeks of the target observations:
s2 = "&& @'date-obs' > '2006-09-01' && @'date-obs' < '2006-10-30'"
string biasSelect
biasSelect = s1 // s2
# Select biases using information from both PHDU and HDU-1
hselect ("*.fits[1,inherit=yes]", "$I", biasSelect, > "bias_tmp.txt")
string omit = "exten,index,kernel"
gemextn ("@bias_tmp.txt", omit=omit, outfile="biasFiles.txt")
## Flat-fields must match: Object, RoI, CCD binning, grating & aperture.
# Note: IRAF refers to the OBJECT keyword with the special name: "i_title"
s1 = "i_title?='Twilight' && obsclass?='dayCal' "
# Flat-fields must also match the RoI, CCD binning, grating and aperture:
s2 = "&& detro1ys>1024 && ccdsum?='2 2' && grating?='MIRROR' && maskname?='None' "
# Select flats obtained contemporaneously with the observations
string date
date = "&& @'date-obs' > '2006-09-10' && @'date-obs' < '2006-10-10'"
string flt
flt = s1 // s2 // date
# Generate lists of calibration filenames using above criteria & filter.
hselect ("S*.fits[1,inherit=yes]", "$I", \
(flt // "&& filter2?='r_G0326'"), > "flt_tmp.txt")
gemextn ("@flt_tmp.txt", omit=omit, outfile="flat_r.txt")
#...and so on for each filter.
If you are concerned about the applicability of flat-field exposures taken weeks apart from the corresponding science exposures, it is simple to alter the date
condition above and build more customized Flat-field MasterCals.
Now build the list of science images.
# Select science exposures via obs. type & class, and by CCD RoI and binning...
string sci
s1 = "obstype?='OBJECT' && obsclass?='science' "
s2 = "&& detro1ys>1024 && ccdsum?='2 2' && grating?='MIRROR' && maskname?='None' "
sci = s1 // s2
hselect ("S*.fits[1,inherit=yes]", "$I", \
(sci // "&& filter2?='Ha_G0336'"), > "sci_tmp.txt")
gemextn ("@sci_tmp.txt", omit=omit, outfile="sci_ha.txt")
# ...and so on for each filter.
rename ("biasFiles.txt,flat*.txt,sci*.txt", "../")
Most of the other processing lists you will need may be built from the above lists and the IRAF sections task, as shown below. Be sure to move the list files to the parent directory for processing.
Basic Processing¶
Basic image reductions are performed by the gireduce
task, using the Static BPM, Bias and Flat-field MasterCal files.
See Bad Pixel Masks for the location of the appropriate BPM files.
See Creating Master Reference Files to create the other MasterCals.
The gireduce
task has more than 50 parameters; the table below lists the defaults for the processing flag keywords—i.e., the keywords with logical values to indicate whether to perform an operation.
For the most part you can use the default parameter values; exceptions are noted explicitly in the code blocks below.
Flag |
Default |
Description |
No |
Append MDF extension? Not applicable to imaging. |
Yes |
Subtract bias residual? |
No |
Subtract scaled dark image? |
Yes |
Apply flat-field correction? |
Yes |
Multiply by the CCD gains? |
No |
Fit overscan levels interactively? |
Yes |
Perform overscan correction? |
No |
Apply QE correction? |
Yes |
Trim overscan region? |
No |
Propagate VAR and DQ? |
All of the processing steps below can be performed from the work directory on the lists of files constructed above, using the IRAF @filelist
# Use primarily the default task parameters.
unlearn gireduce
# Perform basic reductions on exposures, 1 filter at a time.
gireduce ("@sci_ha.txt", bias="MCbias", fl_vardq+, flat1="MCflat_ha", verb-)
Use similar commands to reduce the remaining filters.
Examine the output files (now prefixed with rg
) to assess data quality, and adjust the processing or the lists of input files if necessary.
Though one might ordinarily use an @list
of all science files and set each filter in gireduce with flat1=,... flat4=
, this will likely result in an unhelpful error message if the set of input images includes more than 4 filters (as it does in this tutorial). So in this tutorial the exposures in a given filter will be processed separately.
Mosaic Extensions¶
The next step is to mosaic the multiple image extensions in each file into one extension.
The gmosaic task will transform the image extensions, taking into account the relative offsets and orientations of the CCDs, and generate a single (interpolated) image.
Unfortunately, gmosaic appears not to support @filelist
notation reliably, so explicit loops must be used.
# Use primarily the default task parameters.
unlearn gmosaic
# disarm a bug in gmosaic:
unlearn gemextn
# Create the list of images to process, and mosaic the extensions in each
sections ("rg//@sci_ha.txt", > "rgsci_ha.txt")
list = "rgsci_ha.txt"
while (fscan (list, s1) != EOF) {
gmosaic (s1, geointer="nearest", fl_vardq+, fl_fulldq+)
The output files will have the same name as the input, but prefixed with m
It is important to use the gmosaic task to combine the extensions, as information about the relative position and orientation of the CCDs in the FPA is hard-coded within the task. There are other options beyond imcoadd (discussed below) to combine exposures once they are mosaiced.
Fringe Correction¶
A fringe pattern may be apparent in the extreme red (i-band) for some CCDs. This pattern is derived from many low-background science images (with very few extended targets) by masking the targets and combining many dithered (preferably, non-overlapping) images that have been flat-fielded. The gmos.gifringe task would be used to construct the fringe frame, and the gmos.girmfinge task would scale and remove the pattern from science images. Since this science program obtained images of a single, extremely extended emission line region, the genuine astrophysical intensity variations completely overwhelm the fringe signature. The purist may wish to derive a fringe frame from from another science program (but with the same CCDs), obtained under similar conditions of sky background. Such an approach is beyond the scope of this tutorial, however.
This marks the end of calibration processing for GMOS images; what to do next depends on your specific science goals. Other tools in the gemini package, or other third-party tools may be essential for your analysis.
Advanced Processing¶
Image Stacking¶
If there is more then one overlapping exposure of the same field taken with the same filter you may wish to stack them to, e.g., create a deep image for source identification or, as in this case, to create a mosaic of offset exposures to cover an extended target.
This can be accomplished in part with the gemtools.imcoadd
task, which handles DQ masking and outlier rejection.
It does have some limitations, however:
It takes a lot of patience and trial-and-error to get good results
There is little control over sky background
The output image is no bigger than the first (reference) image, rather than the union of the footprints
The best procedure for imcoadd
stacking depends upon the details of the program and the observing sequence.
In this program, M8 was observed in 3 marginally overlapping positions, and several dithered exposures were obtained at each position.
The complex background requires that the dithered images at each position be combined first; tiling the images from the 3 positions requires subsequent processing.
# Select the files per filter, and per object region.
s1 = "i_title?='M8-1' && "
s2 = "filter2?='r_G0326'"
hselect ("mrg*.fits[0]", "$I", (s1 // s2), > "mrg_tmp.txt")
gemextn ("@mrg_tmp.txt", omit=omit, outfile="m8-1_r.txt")
# ...and so on for each position and filter.
# Co-add the images.
# Use primarily the default task parameters.
unlearn imcoadd
imcoadd ("@m8-1_r.txt", outimage="m8-1_r.fits")
# ...and so on for each position and filter.
Proceed as above for the other object positions and filters.
Images with a complex background, such as narrow-band images of a region of extended nebulosity, may not combine well. This is in large part because imcoadd uses a very simple characterization of the background, and confuses it with genuine astrophysical background. Unfortunately the statsec
parameter (where the sky is sampled) is specified in image pixels, rather than world (Ra, Dec) coordinates, so that regions on the celestial sphere cannot be specified.
Inspect the output images for quality; tweak the task parameters as necessary for improved results. These co-added images may be tiled after the background levels have been brought into agreement.
WCS Refinement¶
GMOS images have a complete WCS description in the header, with values for the reference coordinate and rotation angle as obtained in the observing environment. These values are believed to yield accurate relative celestial coordinates within 0.2 arcsec, with typical absolute accuracy of about 5 arcsec.
An approximate correction to the reference point can be determined using the DS9 image display server, as described in Refining the Reference Coordinates.
In this case, it appears that the image WCS is rotated slightly with respect to available catalogs, such as the HST Guide-Star 2.0.
A fix requires determining the change in rotation, and modifying (with hedit) the CDi_j
keywords in the header.
To refine the WCS still further, and to characterize distortions in the image (using the TNX
projection), you can use the IRAF mscfinder.msctpeak
task; a tutorial is available.
This task requires a reasonably good approximate WCS, so the above steps are likely to be necessary.
If you use the image display server SAOImage DS9, you may need to set an environment variable before starting the cl in order for IRAF to communicate with it.
setenv IMTDEV inet:5137 # (t)csh users
export IMTDEV="inet:5137" # bash users
Photometric Calibration¶
Photometric calibration for images is beyond the scope of this Cookbook, and there no standard way of recording the calibration within the images. However the mechanism in its simplest form is straightforward: Use a photometry program such as SExtractor to measure instrumental magnitudes in each passband for detected stars, and determine the photometric zero-point for each image. Complications arise for very crowded fields (where stellar PSFs overlap), and PSF shapes that vary over the FoV.
If you are interested in deriving photometric zero-points and color terms, you may find it helpful to consult the paper by Jorgensen 2009, [CP] where these quantities are derived for the broad-band SDSS filters over a two-year period early in the life of GMOS.